The tax code doesn't favor the rich. They pay higher effective rates, and shoulder the bulk of the tax burden. No objective person who has...
No. In other words exactly what I said.
Yeah stymied all attempts,except the budget they passed. You know. The one the democrat controlled senate never took action on.
People who make this dumb argument clearly don't understand the ministry of Jesus. Jesus spoke out about the the interpretations and laws he...
No. I'm good at math. I claim married plus 10, and end up owing about a couple grand every year.
It is a simple fact that the top 1% pay the highest effective tax rates. A dude like Mitt might get by with a lower rate, but for the average to...
The facts don't lie. They also don't agree with your position. You have to grab onto a single known outlier. Mitt isn't reflective of the...
No. That is not true. Read the methodology of the study. It includes all forms of income. Capital gains, dividends, and deferred interstr are...
It was a joke. He was cut last pre-season and nobody picked him up. He was just one of my favorite Saints. Ever.
That is a different thing than you said before. Before it was the tax burden you wanted to see more evenly distributed. Now it is tax rate...
I don't know how more plainly I can explain this to you. You stated you want to 1) distribute the tax burden more evenly and 2) raise the...
Clears the way to bring back Lynell Hamilton.
Because it doesn't jibe with what you said previously. You stated the tax burden should be more evenly distributed. for that to happen the rich...
Again the things you are saying do not tie out. You want everyone to pay more and you want the tax burden to be distibuted evenly. Those things...
Now say the thing about how you call out intellectual dishonesty from either side again. The whole premise of social security is that the...
And how many jobs would a GM/Chrysler failure cost the economy? It is one thing to talk the talk, but another to walk the walk. I love when...
Funny, we have one lib saying Ryan is too conservative, and one lib saying he isn't a conservative at all.
You coming here and espousing left wing ideals makes you left wing. So you agree that your point about right wing ideals not being mainsteam...
I made it,and clearly. You are a hypocrite. You said I was so far off the right end I couldn't see center, then cried when I said you were so...
Baton Rouge is a town of people with very poor taste in food bro. If you don't believe me look at the Best of 225 awards. Two years ago Pappa...