I didn't say that thing you quoted me as saying.
That is true. The debt is so high we could never eliminate it with revenure increases. So much of the deficit is entitlement spending that we...
She is not that good. Not even close. She could maybe make it in a 2nd rate women's pro league, but probably not.
This chick was the best player on a below average women's soccer team. On what planet does that equate to being an elite place kicker?
The 90's economic growth was largely driven by one of the great innovations in the history of civilization. It is impossible to not recognize...
None of that is objective. In fact it is a logical fallacy. Correlation is not evidence of causation.
I'm probably wrong. Electing Cobra is retroactive to the day you left your employer though. So if the charges associated with the nose are...
You should elect coverage under COBRA for the month of July. That way you are covered, otherwise you are likely paying out of pocket.
They are subject to the highest marginal rates, they pay the highest effective rates, they pay a larger percentage of the tax burden than they...
I agree with you. Ryan is a neo-con, and is terrible, but can you calm down on the partisan hackishness? The Bush tax cuts benefitted everyone....
I never claimed otherwise, what I said is that YOU can't make a decent, fact supported point relative to this topic. You need new material,...
When you make the worst pizza in a shitty pizza town you have to try something.
Eat the casing.
Ya know, if I couldn't formulate an intelligent opinion on the subject matter being discussed, and I couldn't produce facts to support my claims,...
Then most should be satisfied, because we have a progressive tax system.
The top 400 earners are the top ten thousandth of a percent. They are the outliers like Romney. And if 1/3 of them are paying less than 15% that...
Nonsense. To the extent that a middle class earner itemizes their deductions taxable income will be reduced. Anyone can take advantage of this...
Romney is an outlier. They exist in any population. He also donated millions to charities. If you did that it would lower your effective rate...
Yes. I posted the CBO numbers a few pages back, or maybe in another thread.
Did Odoh make it to campus. I've heard Godfrey did not.