I guess you could argue about who was worse, but what does it really matter. Both were terrible. I wouldn't vote for either for dog catcher.
Thanks for further confusing Shane.
Because the publishing industry's rapidly obsolescing model is supported by copyright law, and libraries ain’t in the business of pushing boundries.
I really don't understand the intent of this movie. Rehashnig the same BS rumors and conspiracy theories that had no effect in 2008 seems...
I generally think he couldn't sell it because he didn't know how to fix it. He never had a plan, and he didn't understand the bills being...
Yes none are Pop, but all are popular music.
WRONG You are talking about pop music. This thread is about popular music, a more generic term which incorporates pop. Have you noticed the...
No. This thread is about popular music. Pop is a genre of popular music, so are rock, jazz, punk, and rap.
I thought all of this was tongue in cheek. Don't get so wound up pops.
That's not for you. It is about you.
In other news red55 likes to hear himself talk.
I guess you suddenly forgo basic logic, but the burden of proof is on you. Either support your assertion or shut up.
The problem with this as a rebuttal is that Obama didn't write Obamacare, I can't even say which of its many parts are his ideas, and which came...
I'm not whining. I'm pointing out what a huge hypocrite you are. Hoss I made the negative assertion, that Obama did not give detailed plans...
First an observation... I'm not sure I've ever encounted someone as hypocritacal as you. For a dude who gets his panties bunched at least twice...
He didn't write the bills. He said he had a plan then deffered to congress. He spoke about fixing things and making them more fair and restoring...
ARRA, Obamacare, tax re-form...
Work has AC bro.
Obama has never been specific about anything. That ismy biggest complaint about the guy. He speaks in re-assuring ambiguities. Work....
I agree. Being a true independent I heard nothing but the same, largely baseless, talking points I've been hearing for three years in Ryan's...