You keep saying this as if lies come exclusively from one side. Try not to be so hackish. If Romney and Ryan are big liars what does that make...
Thats better than where they normally take it.
It was a joke. A non starter. Not nearly enough in spending cuts, and addressed none of the fundamental problems (SS, MD, MC, amd Defense...
So Bain never roled any of its profits into another deal? They kept 0 in retained earnings? They never purchased a building, or a fleat of...
I try to vote for the guy who is the most handsome, and also rhymes every once and a while.
What is about again?
Says the guy who can produce no evidence to support his assertions. Typical red. Talk lots, produce little, declare victory. Everyone else...
So how is that a flat tax?
No a flat tax would be terribly punative for workers on the lower end of the income scale. Money has an undeniable marginal utility.
That is only half true. no amount of revenue increases can balance the budget without massive entitlement reform. Obama's tax proposals bring in...
Obama's tax plan maintains this.
How do you get in Tiger Stadium with all those battle axes and war hammers Thor?
Yes, I don't know, and neither do you. Why would you even introduce a point you can't support? Of course it is relevant. You said Romney got...
I don't know. I've never audited Bain's financials, but it is highly unusual for a sole stakeholder to take 100% of the profits of a company....
And you misunderstand with much sincerity. I seriously doubt he took a 100% draw. I would like to see you proove that statement. What do...
I just don't vote for known liars period. Obama and Romney both fall into that camp.
It doesn't matter if it was repealed. It was terrible, and should have never been law.
On the other hand it will be a terrible day because Obama's brnad of liers and misinformers will still be in office.
Why does ability to relate to the middle class even matter? Suporting good policy is what matters. Obama has demonstrated time and time again he...
Are you being intenionally ignorant of how capital companies make money to make a point, or do you not know better? Bain made investments along...