This is silly because the bartender has no power to coerce anyone to pay him the tip he wants. It takes a meeting of the minds with a willing...
The wage market says otherwise.
I can't wait to refinance into a 2.75 30 year or a 2.25 20 year.
It may not be indicitive of South Carolina, but I didn't get to campus until almost 1 for Washington and there was ample room in the Kirby lots.
No it is because they are irrational. It wasn;t a movie or a cartoon, or a book. It was crazy. You can't apply logic to the actions of the crazy.
What are you talking about? Of course they are liabilities. We made a promise to pay a future obligation, and Congress is required by law to pay...
Neither program has assets anywhere near the levels required. The unfunded Medicare liability is trillions of dollars. The unfunded SS liability...
Try to park as close to Astor Street and Highland Road lot as you can in the Kirby Smith Parking lot. Post game you will turn left on highland...
I hear Regan got shot becasue of Jodi Foster.
I needed to see that. I had no attachment to this diplomat. Those pictures made this very real and put the attack into perspective for me.
So you agree then. These attacks had nothing to do with these movies and everythign to do with crazies going crazy. I am glad we are on the same...
I disagree. Some preacher in Florida's video did not have a single international consequence. The fact that some crazy ass Muslims like to blow...
Yes thank heavens there isn't a good candidate to vote for. SMH.
I think it speaks to the strengths of the bands. Queen made ho hum albums with a great song here and there. The Beatles made great albums.
Advesrial is not dishonest. Of course you are. Otherwise there is no point in calling out the other side's dishonesty. Stop obfuscating...
Which is intellectually dishonest in and of itself. I have told no lie. When you post a lie from one side it is implicit that the other side...
You have to produce some type of fact to declare victory. Bain, while owned by Romney, was not just some play thing that he could do with as he...
Do we really want to reduce ourselves on deciding who lies less? The best we are going to get from either side is half truth. I'm sure Romney...
I already acknowledged that you had an infantile understanding of this.
Sorry friend. I'm not going to waste my time trying to figure out whose bullshit is a lighter brown. If I had to, I'd say Romney is marginally...