"8 U.S.C. ยง 1409 paragraph (c) provides that children born abroad after December 24, 1952 to unmarried American mothers are US citizens, as long...
i think it was funny. if it was hillary id vote for W, if nugent, no.
[IMG] "Paige Whaley, a student at a nearby community college, was also at the bar when the fight occurred and said she was within a few feet of...
its still too early to know how b. o. will go down in history. his prez approval numbers are exactly where reagan's were. i take that to mean...
i need to know whose on the ticket with W. if bloomberg is his VP, i'll vote for the cardboard cutout.
im pretty sure, no. my wife is australian and our son was born in the US. he doesnt automatically get australian citizenship. not sure if the...
dammit, hydraulics attached to new cap has a leak. i would have thought they would have checked all this before using it....
nope, you are reading me wrong. i said things would have been worse all these years if it was only La gov in charge of drilling regulation.
if you were right here, every time you write "jeebus" id punch you in the mouth if i could stop laughing.
i agree. and this is very insightful.
well, Mama tried.
didnt realize he was such a wacko. although i guess my feeling is that he's worse than a wacko. he doesnt believe this stuff, but he's wants the...
i post this because of the air time the stupid arizona govt candidate got. i think this worse. GOP candidate: Obama taking away your chance...
i guess it can be nice from time to time, but obviously i dont appreciate it that much.
we have good taste. i didnt get it at first, but my "filtering" comment was supposed to mean you shouldnt post so much stuff if you are just...
no original sin?
maybe "give to caeser what is caeser's"?
the whole god thing. but for me, as i do oppose both yet do not believe god exists, abortion is irresponsible and capital punishment is...
take it up with the scotus
im against the death penalty anyway, but i think it all comes down to intent, retarded or not. so i actually think that attempted murder should...