Where in the constitution am I guaranteed a right to privacy? I would like to know the exact place it says I am guaranteed a right to privacy...
What exactly are the problems with the "Patriot Act" Chaos? I've read the Patriot Act a couple times and I see no problem with it. Don't tell me...
I agree Bush is easy to make fun of. I'm a HUGE Bush fan, even though i disagree on immigration and increasing government, but I make fun of him...
Damn Tirk I have to spread the reputation around. I love unPC comments like that.
I saw this article and I know that Martin believes robots will one day take over the human race. I just wanted to know what others thought about...
What is that guy in Iraq smashing?
Look at me i'm better than everyone else.
Iraq Body Count, an anti-war organization that "is a human security project to establish an independent and comprehensive public database of...
[IMG] That is utterly disgusting.
oh I missed you Rex
I have Muscular Dystrophy, hence the gimp moniker. I can lift my feet higher than 6 inches I just like to make people feel sorry for me.
Ha, that reminds me of when I was 4. My sister, 2 years older than me, and I were climbing a tree in our back yard (back when I was still able to...
I'm 19 and turn 20, July 24. First and foremost i'm a gimp but the coolest gimp in the world, even though that doesn't really mean much since...
Ted Kennedy, Senator Leahy, (emphasis mine) Joe Biden, Barbara Boxer, Ted Kennedy, These a just a few things said by...
I think the filibuster is stupid and the only time I can really think about it being used is during the civil rights era, but that is just off the...
I've seen those sites and I enjoy reading them but they aren't going to change my beliefs just like probably anything a christian says isn't going...
I always thought the same thing, and yes living with God is one of our rewards but, but in 2 Corinthians 5:10 it says Also in 2 Timothy 4:7-8...
Sadly, yes unless he changes his beliefs.
I'm not trying to speculate on when it will happen I was just wondering what everyones view on it was. I'm not trying to set a date or anything...
Crip in the Catholic thread you stated I believe that we will see the rapture of Gods church soon and eventhough I my beleifs I have done...