Why are they blocking out UNC and Duke in the ACC?
Chris Johnson... do it. C'mon... dooo itttttt. Put him in.
Why exactly is Tennessee our rival again?
........and why did they show the clip of Tack in the rivalry video thingy?
Hopefully he'll do it sans coat, but with body paint.
It's not a matt. of intellig., but rathe. a matt. of irritati.
Alright, let's get warmed up with talking about the game that's on right now. IS IT TOO EARLY TO START TALKING ABOUT FIRING WHATEVER THE NAME OF...
So is it going to be just you and me talking in the thread again this time? Well, until the point we're definitely going to lose, that is.
I find it har. to rea. your post. becau. you abbrevi. every othe. wor.
What, Charlie Frye not getting the job done?
Re: HAS ANYONE SEEN THIS!!!!! Well, we always knew the Bammers were delusional, so I'm really not all that shocked.
Aw shucks, I'd have to take off of work and skip class for the trip. Darn the luck.
Losing is part of the game. An 85% win percentage for five years at home is respectable.
So Skip wasn't hired as the baseball coach and winning championships until after Dale retired? LSU basketball wasn't punished after and because...
He has a home in both Beech Mountain, NC and Baton Rouge.
Oh yes, every home game is a collapse. Why, from 2001 to 2006, LSU lost 12 out of 80 games at the PMAC. Darn, we never win at home.
Wait... so when they win it's the players but when they lose it's the coach? Got it.
They don't have chemistry. That's not something you can coach.
Alright, I've been gone a while. What's the general consensus on Paul Mainieri around here?
Please stop making sense. You're upsetting the locals.