Bahaha, NO! But I was one of the guys standing on the corner watching the other guys throw the tethered bulldog doll out into the street when the...
Here's one I took last night: [img]
Odd. I was right next to where you guys were at, apparently.
Only #5 on the Sportscenter top 10? And it was beaten by some baseball clips, no less. What's up with that?
MSU police came by and told us that we couldn't tailgate until 2. I swear, there was just orange juice in my cup.
Leaving to go tailgate. :grin:
Negatory on a new one. The crack was there not long after the put Mike in the habitat. It was fixed shortly after it happened.
Same here. I just picked up my tickets on Monday and I have some primo seats. I had to tell one of my professors why I was missing class on...
I think you might have something there.
Amazingly it only rained just outside of the stadium for that game. It was pretty strange.
Hey, at least we're #2 at hard liquor consumption. Suck on that. Or don't, since we apparently drink more hard liquor than Ole Miss.
Nah, the sprinklers malfunctioned.
Time for my semi-annual posting on the forum. I will most certainly be there.
Look, we've been through this. [img]
Well, Mike IV was actually euthanized after living there for a short time. But, I'm with you in not shipping him to that hell-hole. He's...
Ah, understood.
Didn't he win this in January? Did he somehow win it again?
But the poll only includes the section of the population that visit this message board and thus will not be a good representative sample of the...
The majority here, maybe. Keep in mind that it's a scientific poll and is thus subject to skew and bias as this "poll" only includes the people...