Okay then....Obama isn't totally socialist. Is that better?
Do you believe that it will ever be done again? I'm being serious... I would say there is a 100% chance that it will not be in our life times...
Someone will come back and say that the statement above was situation specific and that it's meaning doesn't reach past the colonies and their...
:rofl: I've never seen a statement that somehow puts the blame on everyone but the ones responsible like this. Did you think of this? If so,...
Down's kids are usually permanent dependants...which means they are covered no matter their age. As far as the girl is concerned...no way they...
She would be fine. Someone with Crohn's wouldn't have a problem with insurance through their employer. If I'm not mistaken, most employee...
That's what I was thinking too.:hihi:
Or the girl can go to college. She should be able to keep her coverage long enough to graduate. With an education she will be able to find...
Those kids are not our problem. Nation before compassion. The world got along just fine before Americans started taking care of everyone. Will...
I've laid out my case in at least 10 different threads...you do the research if you require a more specific statement. I have nightmares about...
I do not trust Warren Buffett's motives CParso...so his opinion means nothing to me. You said that I'm not understanding this because I...
I wouldn't call the media's opinion completely worthless. They do guide the ignorant. I think we would all be surprised how may people let the...
You're not going to get far with me with that "open mind" crap. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and sounds like a duck, then guess...
I promise you it will be a lot less than 15-30 years before this comes back to haunt us. Yep...you keep saying that. Then tell me why no...
Let me ask you a question. Let's say you had a few million laying around. Would you buy any of these securities...on the speculation that they may...
Will it? We'll see. I'm hoping that $700,000,000,000 (Damn that's a lot of zero's) will go a long ways. So you're saying that the future of...