How about saving your saban love post until after the game has been played.
Who are you rooting for again?
Let's assume Lee doesn't get hurt. The extra snaps could only help with his development. Lee needs all the snaps he can get. I think coach...
We've never lost when hosting game day. Have we?
:thumb: Gotcha! Geaux Tigers!
This is almost a waste of bandwidth...who really cares about this one?
There is a ROTC event planned on the parade grounds for Saturday. No parking around the P.G. until 11:00. How will this affect game day? Is there...
The pick six is our most consistent play...followed by Charles Scott up the middle for five yards.
Try doing that in one of the many bad parts of B.R. and see what happens...:eek: I got turned around a couple of weeks ago trying to get back on...
Maybe we should take it back.
It didn't hurt that gameday set up on the PMac ramp back in '03. That was a lot of fun.
It was found and taken taken down yesterday. They mention it on the link I posted.
Careful brother. I wouldn't be surprised to find out he had family on the board.
I would say in response. Several have shown up. News is reporting now that the Palin one will be taken down by the homeowner who put it up.
Come on Red...don't be that way. You're welcome here. Just make sure you visit us the day after so we can rub your loss in a little.
What the hell are you doing grad? At least let TK vote on it. :hihi:
I am really fighting the urge to say something mean right now...I'll just say hey and bite my tongue. :hihi: Just wait until grad sees that...