I don't think so. The white spot with the blue ring up front is Australian. This one is described as a P-51 with Australian markings... [IMG]
Another picture...The french flag is now flipped around backwards...? [IMG]
Australians don't have aircraft carriers...do they? The jet in the picture is rigged for carrier landings. It's difinitely Australian though.
Outstanding! Another Marine!
He's not Edith Bunker.
That's a strange place to be. Oh well...I didn't plan on going over there anyway.
Something tells me that the courts will overrule the people again on this one. I don't expect the will of the people to win out.
Not true at all. It's okay to be critical...but be fair and honest. http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/06/18/farm.bill/index.html...
See you there Pod.
I just knew you were about to say that you stayed at a Holiday Inn last night...:hihi:
It would be at least a day before they missed the one in the Jackson zoo...just thinking out loud.
Thanks..I'm sure most that know me would agree with you. My vocabulary is mostly a hold over from my days in the Corps...but since dad is a...
It goes without saying. Why are "historians" commenting on present day events anyway?
He's not..so it isn't. :hihi: There aren't many general grade officers that I care for. I'm just saying that if we had to have one, I would...
He's a grade "A" prick and currently the HC of 'bama...and he's a stinking yankee on top of that. What other reasons do we need?
Ole Rex is scratching his head and wondering who this Woodrow Wilson guy is. Try using google Rex....:hihi: Look Rex...nothing personal...but...
Please not CP. I've hated that guy since before he served in the Bush admin. Most general grade officers are nothing more than politicians...
You must have missed the STFU part of the original post.