TT drops a easy pass and then Stevan fuks up too..this sht is pitiful..
I remember when Flynn use to play the offense would run alot of slants and quick routes what happens to that
The way LSU is using Shep may hurt LSU in recruiting
On the bright side they are only down by 10 and havent played good at all
Yes LSU Ball this time
Cutrea still cant cover worth a sht
hold up he tried to run again he doesnt get forward progress
FUK TT fuks up again ...good throw by JJ and TT gives the ball to Penn State damn!!!!
Great coverage by CJ
Damn RR almost sht
that was pitifull by oline and dumb play by jefferson
no rushing
Yeah the offense too definitely not excusing them...its just the defense is looking real sloppy and playing so loose in coverage and no DL rush.
1st down Penn State..defense has to play better sht
the ref must be an LSU
that was pitiful
Agree...definitely feel bad for James who may miss next season with the injury
Damn Danny McCray..fuk!
Getting Synthetic Turf next year..knew they had to do something