The field at TS isn't covered. Most prep of the sod is done long before game day. It drains just great compared to may other fields and the...
Either that joke wasn't funny or I just didn't get it. Either way, props to you as a Gator fan for having the balls to come here and post and the...
Buddy D is one of those polarizing personalities that you either love or hate.
Alive but not doing well. Punter who was proclaimed dead is still alive - CFB News - FOX Sports on MSN
I guess maybe running his mouth just because he's so fond of the sound of his own voice may finally be biting him in the butt. Black NFL players...
How so? Maybe I'm not understanding what you mean. When a pie is sliced up into 12 pieces they are each smaller than if it's cut into 10. If...
I don't care whether Tebow plays or not, whether we blow them out or squeak by with a last second 1 point victory, so long as we win the game....
I think it would be fantastic for the Pac 10 to expand to 12 teams and admit Boise St. and Utah. But what does the conference have to gain by...
Re: UF has Les Miles' number. I have the number and called it as well. It went straight to voice mail which said:
I think where a lot of people have the problem with the Boise States of the world is that they may be a pretty good or even a really good team,...
Rep. :lol:
I'm not comparing this forum to TigerDroppings, the forums I am more active on are not LSU related. I'm a car guy and I'm on car related forums a...
I would consider moving to NOLA just to vote. I don't even care about his political convictions, promises, or ability to do the job. What sane...
I've passed through there. Not my cup of tea. :nope:
I think I know how to behave myself. I asked because there seems to be more unregulated stupidity here than most other forums I frequent. The...
Tebow status for LSU clash will be game-time call Looks to me like CUM is playing it close to the vest to make sure we use practice time...
I shudder to even think about it.
So if I'm understandig your genius correctly, becasue Tebow had a concussion you think he'll throw more picks and your thought is that it will be...
What can we guess correctly to make you leave permanently? Cause I'll go for that. As was stated, guessing interception yardage is asinine. Can...