Really? He's not exactly a real journalist but I figure even he had to know how inappropriate it is. I suppose the Saints don't care because...
SR's are gone anyway, NFL or not so I don't see how any change regarding how the NFL pays them makes any difference whatsoever. JR's who leave...
Since this troll obvioulsly came to get in a quick one hitter and scram, why is this thread still open? I'm befuddled. :confused:
Maybe you could have asked him how he felt about the play of the White guys on the team who play. The interior offensive linemen who've been...
Did he somehow manage to sneak an audible fart into the bradcast like he continually does to try to crack up Tiger?
Do you think that if you started at least one positive thread you might not get bashed so much? It doesn't even have to be positive if you don't...
"For the love of God ref, help me out with a call why dont you!? Do you know what they're saying about me on!!!"
There is now much win in a thread that might have otherwise been 100% fail. Thank you for the distraction. :thumb:
Making that prediction requires some pretty [IMG] Kudos to your faith in the Tigers. I think we'll at least make it to the SEC CG, have to...
D played well enough to win the game with a bit of help form the offense. Hopefully they'll get the offense hitting on all cylinders against Auburn.
Please stick around the forum until the Tigers come to Tuscalooser. I beg you.
See you in Atlanta for the payback game. Winner goes to Pasadena.
Driving down the field. Come on Tigers!
Eugene with the pick! Come on offense! Capitalze.
All he's done is pick up 5 or 6 per carry. No reason to use him.
Did Shepard miss practice or meetings this week? No RS at all so far. Not even a sniff. Poor defense must be disheartened with the offensive...
Sorry but the Trindon hit was 100% legit, he grabbed all shoulder pad. Looked like a face mask but it wasn't.
He must have been boiling kittens in their mother's milk and sacrificing puppies to Urban Meyer and gargling with their blood. He cant get in on...
There's been bad calls both for and against us. The officiating is pretty bad tonight. I'd rather them call a good game for both teams. I'll...
This has been an extremely poorly officiated game on both sides of the ball so far.