Yea Latimer. Dad was able to slap 1 good gobbler upside the head. Didnt get to get on any white perch though.....windy and cold and the corps...
I do agree that the job they are "supposed" to be doing is worth what they are being paid or more.....if they were truly doing the job they are...
Apparently so....
I assume that refers to the "seem" in the center of each side that is pretty clear to see. So each side is really 2 sides separated by that seem?...
That's pretty much what he is doing. Try to fire one up early....if no takers go fish a while mostly in back and hope to hear one get going and...
my dad will be fishing Grenada starting tomorrow....well that and turkey hunting. I wont be up till the week of Good Friday unless I decide to...
it is not difficult. Make you a PVC pole noose and get the head secured at the back of the trap....grab back legs and drag em out then tie the...
Possibly but throw a layer of sand or pine straw over the bottom wire should help with that though I've never noticed that being a problem. We...
Certainly could be. Hogs are some smart critters but I aint seen one that could climb to high yet.
maybe in that spot......but just move it around a little bit and they will go in it. little on the small side to catch a lot of them but you...
We trap em year round. A lot will depend on the size of the trap, how long its been there etc. I will tell you what we do and maybe it will help...
Ocean Springs....well out in the county well north of OS.
have been in the usual few fender benders as everyone else and have seen several minor ones happen. The only 2 that really comes to mind and...
everyone over here always called em white perch but crappie is becoming more and more common now with all the transplants we have piling in here...
looks good. best fish to eat fresh water has to offer by far.
prob still a little to far out to say but at the moment the hourly is saying the opposite......saying most of the rain will be right before the...
I hope this weather forecast is wrong......looks like its saying 100% chance of heavy rain with winds 30+mph gusting to over 50 Sat.
I'll take my chances with the storms vs the hordes. And you don't need anything to get drinkable fresh water on horn island. Artesian wells all...
nope nope nope thats my plan stay off my island!!! There is fresh drinkable water there too if you know how to get it.
I was at the game that it didnt work. Sitting in the club section dead center of the field goal posts atl kicked the winning field goal through....