Fished with a buddy yesterday and today early before the crowds got to bad. Wound up with a 2 day count of 50 specs from 13.5-22 inches, 60-70...
Well anyone can fish in the sound. I live out in the woods(used to be anyways).....ain't no salt on my place but its only a 20 minute drive to...
Went for a little while after work yesterday. Had to weed throw lots of shorts to put together my 15 legal ones. prob released 50-60 12.5...
Ha yea i dont quit get that either but to each his own. Nah I like fishing fresh water too but not near as much especially bc if I am not gonna...
Surprised there hasn't been any talk about the no no the other day unless I have just been looking over it somehow. Wish I would have been able...
This section needs more action so I'm gonna post some MS reports in here see if it will get going some. Come on y'all are in the best saltwater...
Come on now you know I can't be to specific with it....never know who is reading. Don't care about the reds but can't give that out without giving...
OS. I can tell you the reds being there like that are not the norm. I fish that area a good bit on evenings after work when its to windy to get...
def nothing wrong with some bream....I always fry them whole and def eat the fins....especially the tail(same with flounder too).....prob gonna...
Finally got the rest of the story so here is how it happened. He had a gobbler coming in and was sitting by a good size tree. Caught some...
I have gotten a few this year but they are just now starting to show up.......sittin on go at this point just waiting this weather to straighten...
I don't bass fish much but this evenin after work I planned on lookin for some specks but the wind kicked up a little more than the old skiff can...
Nah not overly impressive.....the generator guys that really do it for a living really put a hurtin on em.....its nothing for them to get a couple...
Ha nah I def wouldnt go that far. Still got plenty to learn. My great uncle and grandpaw before he passed taught me something new every garden...
Browsing through the turtle thread I saw you talkin about floundering a little bit. I flounder a good bit and mostly just walk as well(do gig...
nah i am out in the woods north of biloxi/ocean springs area. Lots of shallow creeks, branches, ditches, small bayous etc and they all have...
just browsing through this thread for the first time today.....I do not actively go try to catch turtles with lines and traps unless I am just...
Anyone starting to think about their dove fields yet? I am going to try to plant a good bit more than what I did last year...maybe more....only...
All I know is in LA.
Anyone have any info on a turkey hunter that was shot in LA a couple weeks ago. It was a good friend of a good friend of mine, though I have never...