Naturally, we welcome with open arms any new member who posts tasteful photos of his attractive female companion in her sleeping clothes. But,...
Quite true. I saw some long passes in last nights game. I don't have the exact number thrown and number dropped, but my impression is that the...
The media lovefest with USC goes all the way back to when the "media" was just a "medium." I'm talking about back in the days of the Silent...
I really did NOT enjoy watching today's Iron Bowl. :angry: :angry:
Go soak your head in a Tiger Stadium urinal.
Hurricane Katrina.
RE: You have a lot of guts to hang around here with the likes of us. For this weekend, I'm pulling for LSU and Bama to win big.
Thanks, but I have no idea whether I'm right. I am just trying to guess at the reason.
This is a funny and interesting post. My gut feeling is that Miles and Jimbo have seen JR in practice after practice, and they realize that...
Thanks for sharing this. Whoever wrote this is a very talented creative writer.
Hey! Welcome aboard, RE! You'll like it around here. We like to fight each other almost as much we like to fight the Barners.
What if I asked you to try to have a little more faith? We can't control who our coach is. I know that, even if we have PLENTY of faith in...
Won't work. Texas outlawed dueling with pistols long ago. I'd host the event at my hide-out near Grand Isle, but Katrina destroyed it and much...
Indeed . . . and occasionally, he fumes about finding the person who ate all of the strawberries a la Captain Queeg in the movie "The Caine Mutiny."
islstl: The loss of Broussard may be the ONLY reason why our offense has seemed to struggle this season more than it should. You MUST remain...
This is one of the very best posts that have ever appeared on this forum. I agree with this post. The prediction concerning how much easier our...
This is great stuff. Thanks. I spent 15 very enjoyable minutes playing these clips again and again.
We have not blown Ole Piss out since 1996. I think Ole Piss covers the spread.