The forum is slow right now, so here we go.......Have you converted a friend into an avid :lsup: fan? How many kids have you had that are LSU!...
Support the boys....tune in! Which is the most disappointing college basketball team this season? Arizona UConn Duke LSU I like for our programs to...
......along with some other predictions that were dead wrong by various sports writers. Kinda funny to read. Link:...
This little rumor is floating around: If Vick goes to Oakland for Randy Moss, Jerry...
Seems like it should be alot higher. Notice that most of the teams are...
Forgive me if this was already posted, but I didn't see it anywhere. I was watching the Hula Bowl yesterday evening and Mark May and Andre Ware...
I hope Big Baby is 100% tonight after his little accident. We'll certainly need him. The Tigers are playing well lately. We have 2 key wins so...
Is it just me, or when LSU is in the National spotlight, does it seem that Saban wants to take the attention away from LSU and divert it directly...
I'm not trying to plug anything here, but I thought this was interesting. Looks like you can pay like $10 and lock in on a face value ticket for...
Not sure how much the post season rankings help with next season's pre season rankings. Anyone read anything on where we might be ranked...
What are the odds that Dirty Thirty breaks Brady Quinn's sternum?:lol:
My prediction is that Bama gets beat just b/c they are in such disarray right now. It will also be a low scoring game b/c both offenses are...
Time to vote again. Here's the link: LSU is down 42% Vs Michigan's 58% but only 3,400 people have...
My brother-in-law just called. He got 2 tix and was nice enough to invite me. I'm thrilled. Best Christmas present that I could get! Sorry to...
I was talking with someone who played high-school ball last year with TE Richard Dickson. He said that Dickson said after the Sugar Bowl, the...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!:lsup: This was reported by ESPN radio
They just said it on the Colin Cowherd show. Hopefully he'll stay at WV and Jimbo will stay at LSU. Bama fans will go ape-s_it if they don't get...
I'm from Ocean Springs, MS...the same town as Richard Dickson, so I am one of his biggest fans. I say yes, he is deserving of it (b/c of his...
Keiland Williams, Charles Scott, Alley Broussard, Hester....does Les Miles change it up every game like he did this year, or does he stick w/ one...