you again... second reminder it is whoop you yankee. the ha ha part is good.. tell everyone in your 4th grade class.
you mean this guy is a jack ass is not a winner?? He is however. anyway good luck LStudent..Yell for me at the game.
whip is so yankee. it is whoop..check that into long term memory...your welcome
I think your right..
better than white..
1o to 1 they still dont get it. Just a guess
then they will find it?!?!?!?!?!?
look at the FLA when they were #1. That was a bigger win in my opinion than WVU. They have idle minds. Sounds like the riots in LA years back....
Saban could pull that trigger... call his show and demand it.. He seems like if makes the fans happy why not
31-7 again come on now turn the page... get on with your life.. it is a new year.
It was hard to concentrate with all that crown running the system
hey the rumor I heard LSU was going to win SAT.. Dont tell ESPN they already look like a holes
go sat night and see it all over again
I have on ly been there a couple of times.....yes...I met the guys who make the snow(long story)... they were high as a kite... a dog that drinks...
I saw a clip on line at fightin tigahs then they took it off. IT was cool
sad???? that is for you on your way back to no where.
It is mass produced in China..sorry 41.13 is about right. Taos is cool. good place to get your ski on...
just like LT in San Diego or Duce in NO
no no bring your vans ... LSU is the ones that set the fires...we have this thing called a lighter.coming soon to a town near you..
head on a swivel??? is that some sort of Au mullet love hold. knock them in the mouth??? Come on now...have you ever heard the jim rome show ??...