The unabomber and Bruce Ivans both are reported as democrats. Most of the mainstream media simply don't report these kind of people as Democrats.... Pro-Life Democrats Who Switched Vote...
James Lovelock: Humans are too stupid to prevent climate change | Environment | The Guardian Quote: Lovelock, who 40 years ago originated the idea...
Man arrested for Eric Cantor death threat - Jake Sherman -\ Federal authorities have arrested a Philadelphia man and charged him with... - Global Warming Advocates Threaten Blizzard of Lawsuits Environmentalists, unable to squeeze "cap and trade" rules through the U.S....
I just wanted to point out one more time that Obama said if you like your health insurance you can keep it. Pelosi has said that if the insurance...
I agree with Supafan. Just because speeding, pot is illegal doesn't keep people from doing it. Just because you have to be 21 to drink doesn't...
Why the hell does everything they have to do today be 2000 pages? It will probably turn out to be 3000 pages once all the amendments are put into...
Insurers Might Delay Covering Pre-Existing Conditions - Coverage Now for Sick Children? Check Fine Print WASHINGTON — Just days after...
Are you saying it didn't happen? Am I making crap up here? After your responses in my last 2 threads especially on the Saudis. I'm starting to...
Although I have heard of the John Birch Society I had no idea which side of the fence they are on. I don't put in a lot of time researching links...
link Saudis fund Balkan Muslims spreading hate of the West - Times Online SAUDI ARABIA is pouring hundreds of millions of pounds into Islamist...
Wow, why the rant? No one here is sticking up or bringing up one party or the other. I stated that I don't trust the government especially when...
Whoops: Energy Star approves gas-powered alarm clock | Grist Well this is embarrassing: Federal monitors granted the Energy Star stamp of...
VeriChip Sells First Baby Protection System, in Talks with Military - Health Care IT from eWeek Quote: The company announced Aug. 24 that it has...
Not only did I read the third paragraph I read the whole thing. Explain why you think we are a long way? They already use them for animals.... March 26 (Bloomberg) -- AT&T Inc. will book $1 billion in first-quarter costs...
Millions of white men who voted for Barack Obama are walking away from the Democratic Party, and it appears increasingly likely that they'll take...
Link National Healthcare Will Require National RFID Chips Quote What is the RFID chip? It is a small electronic computer device placed into the...
Newsmax - Napolitano: Supreme Court to Strike Down Obamacare Napolitano: Supreme Court to Strike Down Obamacare Friday, 26 Mar 2010 06:32 PM...