So that video accuses Fox News of editing a story to make it go their way, when you did the same exact thing in another thread regarding money for...
Did you just become an LSU fan?
Naturally, you leave out the fact that it was attached to the same bill that called for a troop withdrawal from Iraq. Why don't you report on the...
Pot, meet kettle. Really? Sucks to be those dudes.
Really? How do you account for all those people Saddam killed during his reign of terror? Does that not count? He killed an awful lot of...
The money is here, though. I honestly don't see the NFL making more money off the Super Bowl overseas than here. How successful is NFL Europa?...
Well, we pretty much have that with soccer these days. Basketball, not so much, but sometimes. Baseball yes, but then the Major League teams run...
Super Bowl tickets are already ridiculously expensive as it is. Does the NFL really think that people are going to drop thousands of more dollars...
Those games would be 10 times better if they got rid of Bryant Gumbel. The guy just can't announce a football game to save his life. As for...
I take anything from that website with a grain of salt. Will Smith will get his after this season. He still has his rookie contract to play out....
I can't. He's dead. Why else do you think we haven't heard from him or seen him in the last 2 years? I don't buy the tapes of his henchmen...
Red, I realize that the Sunni insurgents are fighting the Al Qaeda foreigners, but personally, I feel that it's not nearly as bad as it could be...
Bin Laden is probably dead by now.
Oh gee, I don't know. Iraq will be such an unstable country that it will become a hotbed of terrorist activity. Al Qaeda will run rampant, just...
Even CNN is reporting the dangers of leaving Iraq early: It's pointless...
There has got to be more than this. Otherwise, the Carolina front office is about as smart as the Miami front office.
Guys like Marques Colston aside, I think teams are beginning to realize the potential of guys who didn't have the luxury of playing for a big-time...
I think Payton has the potential to do wonders with Palko. With a few years as Drew's backup, he'll definitely be ready to handle the NFL.
The Saints don't need the extra revenue like they have in past years. Especially with a waitlist that is 25,000 strong!