Yes but he violated the sanctity of his own marriage with another woman, not with another man - now THAT would make him a hypocrite. So his...
Now if this isn't grounds for being sent packing, I don't know what is. It still amazes me how the New Orleans District Attorney's Office can be...
What does Vitter being against gay marriages have to do with him paying for heterosexual company? The way I look at it is he manned up about it...
No, Gates initially wanted Pace to be renominated, but after realizing that the confirmation hearings would be drawn out and difficult to get...
One particular instance was the press conference where he talked about his views on homosexuality and how he thought it was immoral. I disagree...
So you're saying she shouldn't have served the time she did? Correct me if I'm wrong, but jail time is the standard punishment for getting...
Well, as far as the politicizing goes, the most recent example is the ousting of Gen Peter Pace from the Joint Chiefs. Yes, he's coming up on the...
Who are you talking to? If you're talking to me, no I am not kidding and how am I not even close?
I still don't know that Kerry would've straight up pulled us out of Iraq. But at the same time, I feel fairly certain that had that been the...
I saw a news article the other day that Universal, the largest distributor of music in the world, may not be renewing it's contract with iTunes....
No argument there. Although it's unfair to criticize Bush for things that other Presidents have done as well and not make mention of them. Too...
I could care less that he was wearing that necklace. Nothing is ever going to change the fact that he was an LSU Tiger and one of the best QBs...
I know you didn't post the graphic, I was talking to mac. Secondly, yes, it is possible to determine that from the graph, but I just ain't buying...
As I told red, I read your graphic, and I still believe it was yet another attempt by you to bash Bush in a thread that didn't involve him. How...
Oh, so you mean like how Clinton essentially did the same thing with Mark Rich at the end of his Presidency? But wait, Clinton was the best ever,...
No, red, I did read the graph and saw that part. But if history shows anything, he posted that as a slap in the face to Bush, rather than a...
Also, please explain why you are always so quick to puke up some graphic about Bush's administration. This thread is not about George W. Bush,...
Well, he received a lucrative offer to manage the Birmingham Barons, which he felt he just couldn't pass up. After a day or so, though, he...
Didn't he die like two months ago?
Ah yes, Rocky Mountain Oysters. Not bad. A little bland. Tastes like chicken.