But for a working website that would be reasonable? I don't see how.
so, who here is in the web design business? Is it just me or is 300 million for a website a little high?
It's a shame flynn couldn't have waited until this week. I bet the eagles would have signed him and played him even without knowing the offense....
Wait you couldn't have a beer with dinner in Pineville before the vote yesterday?
Very few people realize this.
@Tiger in NC had you been right, my accountant would have been fired.
I suspect you're saying marginal but meaning effective? The top marginal bracket is 39.6 and that's just federal...
@Tiger in NC how is top marginal rate 29-30 percent?
How did he hurt his knee? He wasn't chasing an ice cream truck was he?
Wall Street types have always been good at monetizing web traffic. I'm sure they'll be just fine.
Where are their financials posted? i have a hard time believing they would have a going concern issue.
I grew up on the cowboys but primarily root for the saints now. I do still root for the cowboys. Truthfully, I root more for my fantasy players...
How were the reporters not laughing. That was funny.
I'm not sure what the checks and balances are with respect to oversight of stuff like that but I can tell you that in my observations of the AMA,...
I'm sure some docs make a living that way. I assure you doctors are not going to court to testify for a patient for free. They're getting...
Evidently you've never met the doctors that I've met.
Honestly, it's hard to keep up with all this shit. I've cut out overly processed foods like frozen pizzas and mac and cheese which I used to eat...
I mean it tastes terrible
Yeah but grapefruit is terrible.
Now the word is that they plan to sign him. Didn't realize Manuel is hurt along with this Thad Lewis guy who may be hurt and some guy named Jeff...