Calm down people, we ain't gonna lose this one.
Awesome TD catch from Doucet. Beautiful leaping grab.
Mike, Adjust the antenna on top of your trailer. There is still over a quarter to play.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Congrats Reb. Nothing but respect for our soldiers.
Details.. details... All this talk is giving me a hankering' for some dolphin nub soup with a side of Bee Cow liver.
It appears they are becoming some sort of Bee-Cow. They will have the ability to fly and produce sweetened condensed milk. It is an apples and...
Yes, but if you saw the part about many other dolphins found in the past with undeveloped nubs in that spot, it goes to show that it is not just a...
I enjoy listening to Limbaugh, because his analysis is usually pretty dead-on and his arguments always have a large chunk of good logic to them....
Researchers have captured a Dolphin with fully developed rear fins, which supports fossil evidence that Dolphins were once land-based creatures...
Sooo, if you've seen some of Dawkins works, you've seen him get yelled at by this preacher for showing him in a bad light... Apparently this major...
Turd Sandwich has my vote. I can't stand Giant Douche.
But guys! Think about the children! The chillllddreeennn!!
Luck is a large part of poker, but the ability to know what a wise play is based on the odds behind each card combination, and the ability to read...
They were not seeking out democracy on their own. That's ridiculous. The battle after conquering these countries was Democracy vs. Communism. We...
I couldn't agree more. Waterboard those f@ck@rs till they squeel like pigs.
What I love are the Republicans who are disgusted by this as an erosion of Liberty, but yet in the same breath express support for the "War on...
Germany, Japan, Italy, Austria, Philippines, Panama, Turkey To a lesser degree: India, South Africa, Israel
If you leave before the country is stabilized you have created a massive power vacuum that is ripe for Iranian supported Islamic Fundamentalists...
Umm, seeing as the topic is "Biblical Contradictions" I'm pretty sure that mentioning translation issues is an important point of the discussion.