Thanks for the props. Good luck with an interesting year in Alabama.
Thanks alot man I find myself rooting for you guys now because your defensive coordinators came from my alma mater. Spurrier made a good choice...
I support eating clowns.
I think that's why Stormtroopers are cool to kill since they are just clones of Bobba Fetts dad. The God talk is just to stir the pot because...
He also gave us the capacity to rape parapalegic midgets, but we shouldn't. Don't want to hurt the Martins of the world.
I don't think God wants us to clone things.
Ok I need everyone in the room who would pass on $40 million dollars to raise your hand. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
If we lived in a world where cops were always the good guys yes. However, that isn't always the case, especially in NO. It ain't that hard to...
But he did turn around a sorry LSU program, and for that he will always have my respect.
Thanks guys. Beating the crap out of ND is a cause everyone can join in on.
My two weimeraners are scared of fireworks so I have two quivering >90lb dogs, a sleeping wife, a bottle of Jim Beam Black, headphones with some...
Happy New Year. Good luck.
I feel like there is about a 70-80% chance he goes, seeing as he will have a hard time topping what he accomlished to finish this season, and the...
Welcome to the forum, glad to have you. Off the top of my head I think it was the Ole Miss game but I'll try to see if I can confirm that...
Muahaha!!! Ok, I'll stop the homerism. My love has always been LSU first and formost. USM just gave me the schollie ;)
Being a contendor for the conference title every single year isn't bad.
And a big ole' lump of red for you, my friend. USM has built a respectable program despite being located in an area with about 6 SEC schools...
Having an oversized head myself I feel Les's hat-fitting pain. Go on Les, do your thing man.
You people need to lay off Saban. We probably would not be in the good shape we are in if not for him. No matter what he does he will always have...