But the concern is not soldiers lives to me. They are soldiers. Their occupation is to blow **** up and kill the enemy. In return they are also...
So how about the other end of the discussion: is this a wise political move for the Democrats? Is there historical precedence for this type of...
During this entire discussion I've had a Beavis voice in my head laughing.
By my numbers about (at least) 65% of the American public is borderline retarded, so I'm happy to see people coming around on this issue. Let's...
Do the calfs actually every get injured? I haven't ever seen one get hurt, but I don't really frequent rodeos very often....
I wouldn't mind getting stoned in public for committing adultery... I do it all the time at concerts... Oh wait I see your point now......
Sorry, I'm too old to join a frat again.
Nice find, but I could pass a law that defines a duck as a type of horse, but it doesn't change the fact that it is a duck. Where's you get...
And that's life - the killing of animals for consumption is natural. Sounds tasty, I've never had a freshly killed chicken like that. Gladiator...
The Kansas Board of Education has failed you, my friend.
So does anyone know what actually occurs at these fights? Has anyone ever actually been to one? Maybe its the circles I run around with (>$3k/yr...
The chicken you ate was executed in a semi-humane manner. Lulled to sleep. He didn't have to battle other chickens to death. I take it the Jesus...
This pisses me off......
I like her already ;)
Drudge Report and News/Topical blogs for me thanks.
I'll be happy whoever wins ;)
Durka durka jihad!
In all honesty, lives of soldiers are wasted in every war since the beginning of time. No war is run perfectly and there will always be fatal...
Yeah but the problem was that the ball kept slipping through his palms... :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: Ok,...
Personally its one of those things where I will need to see what evidence he will present before I judge further. Can't wait to see the show...