Cant you just go to the sirius site and login with your account and listen through a web browser?
So everyone that was saying Friday Obama was doing the right thing by not commenting now think he is doing the right thing being more vocal today...
Has this been about the worst major tournament ever or what. I mean come on, Lucas Glover and Ricky Barnes. What is that line in the movie Major...
Tiger better go low tomorrow morning or he will be in danger of being out of it. The conditions this afternoon have improved and these guys are...
The leagues substance abuse policy is pretty clear. Goodell's hands are tied under that policy and had no subjective punishment to hand out.
Goodell wasnt in charge during the Leonard Little situation and this is a new era for the NFL when it comes to player discipline. The owners have...
Why does voicing your ideals on this specific issue mean that we are interfering or threatening Iran? Obama has always chosen his words carefully....
Obama has painted himself into a bit of a corner with Iran. He desperately wants to throttle back the rhetoric of the Bush years but by doing so...
Goodell just suspended him indefinitely.
As a side note, Tennessee now has 3 NFL players who have killed someone and basically got away with it. Has to be some kind of record. Foolmer...
The weather right now is horrendous and the forecast for the whole tournament is FUGLY.
Pure gold Bhelm, thats an instant classic!
Re: University of Alabama football program will have to forfeit 10 wins Wait though. The NCAA says that 7 football players where involved....
Re: University of Alabama football program will have to forfeit 10 wins Does have a nice ring to it doesnt it? :lol:
Re: University of Alabama football program will have to forfeit 10 wins You got more patience then I brother. Good job! :thumb:
10 is not the official number. It will be more than 10 but only 5 or 6 will be on Sabans watch, the rest are under Shula. We are talking 3...
Re: Bama fans getting jumpy 201 Athletes? Good grief.
Re: Bama fans getting jumpy Paul Dee said Alabama had to determine what games the players played in to figure out what wins would be forfeited....
Re: Bama fans getting jumpy Just heard the NCAA portion of the press conference. They said the Media Guides, advertising, banners, etc can not...
Re: Bama fans getting jumpy There is going to be a press conference at 2pm. I am hearing more today about the depth of this. 16 of 19 sports are...