Good on you. On my first ship, all we had was water, coffee, and tea. The engineers always managed to get fuel in the water. Even today 40+...
Have you guys seen this? From an event on Tuesday. Fake seal...Russian Eagles clutching golf clubs. The Latin is also doctored. Appears real. [IMG]
IMHO, availability of either Pepsi or Coke is mostly dependent on the aggressiveness of the local distributor. Also goes, at an even higher level,...
I is the subject, me is an object.
The problem, make that a problem, is that a bad GOP does not mean the DEMS are better. Almost across the board it is lose - lose. The fact that...
Four points. I don’t expect most Republicans will agree. I think: 1) the Dems were doing math or logic. If A then B if B then C if C then D. They...
If that idiot wants to identify with me, he is screwed!!!
After I typed that I thought I should have capitalized the M, but got distracted before I did so
I spent four years living in both the Philippines and in Japan Not once did I shriek “racist” or charge Asian privilege.
Ever! I watch a lot of hearings.
You are not far off. Not a very good performance. I feel the book was better than the movie. Looking forward to MSNBC spin.
Until Jim Jordan can afford a sports coat, he is a clown.
Dayum, I am so football centric I spent some time figuring out whether he was a fullback or maybe linebacker. Doh!
Caca: Pretty Funny!
Nothing wrong with the marines!
Comedy or drama?
Me, too.
A show about junior college football. Most of the players are idiots and the coaches A-holes. I watched seasons 1 - 3. Liked it. First two...
I watched with my parents in the living room, furious that my girlfriend had to watch with her family, and not with me. I was a dick!
If you are conservative and don’t spend some time on the “opposition” channels (CNN/MSNBC) you are doing yourself a disservice. The same,...