Sorry for all my white privilege: [IMG]
On the City-Data Forum I’ve had about a dozen or so “suspensions.” Back when the local newspaper allowed comments on articles I was suspended...
Good column by Tom Friedman, NY Times. Mr. Friedman is pretty liberal. Actually, very liberal. Part of the column is below. ‘Trump’s Going to...
All Trump has done is move the spotlight off these four idiots and the moronic things they say, and put the spotlight on himself and his tweets....
We had two red Abyssinians when we were in England. Brought them home to NC via Atlanta, then cross country in my Jeep to Monterey. Great cats.
My metric, for some time. when viewing WAPO or NYTIMES articles is whether or not the ‘comments’ section for a particular article is active....
I feel for the folks in its path. I think, next week, we will complete post Hurricane Florence repairs, and we were affected very minimally....
Yeah, missed that, too.
I have long advocated paving over the entire damn hellhole. Glass would work. I am really environmentally “woke” but these people who go nuts on...
It is no longer possible to christen something “The Most Fucked Up” since it’s such a race to the bottom. Daily. But, this fiasco is very, very...
Here is a Tweet from Bill Kristol. Beyond pitiful, and BIDEN is probably the least bad Dem running! “Biden today on CNN: “Putin is trying to...
Uhm. . . . seeing how he used “ramparts” in the phrase immediately before his “airport” gaffe, I’m afraid that’s a bit too charitable an...
So, you liked the part about the “army taking over the airports” during some kluge of the Revolutionary War - War of 1812? The bar is just too...
I saw them harking on this all day yesterday . . . I wonder who they think they “showed” by doing so? A typical knee jerk liberal reaction. How...
This is going to be longer than most of you will want to read, but I want to get it off my chest! In the early - mid 80s I was stationed in...
Game Changer: I just learned that Mike Godwin has modified Godwin’s Law to exempt references to Trump and his band of idiots. I DVR’d a History...
Here are two of the best paragraphs ever written. The piece is from The Bulwark and discusses watching the debates with Twitter: “This is kind...
The Democrats are so GD stupid. They are posturing for the left leaning activists in their party, and not to moderates or centrist . . .the group...
My boss made me go to counseling. After a half dozen sessions the counselor asked that I bring my wife. My wife resisted, I knew it would go...