They'll just raise the price of all stadium tickets to help pay for the expansion. Be careful what you wish for.
Oklahoma @ Texas Iowa @ Penn State UGA @ Tennessee Auburn @ Arkansas Texas A&M @ Texas Tech Ohio State @ Nebraska Washington State @ UCLA...
He's lobbying for a job on CLM's staff.
Nice to see Pennsylvania at the top of the weekly results!
A normal betting ticket
I can't believe this football ticket i'm looking at has LSU -17.
Is that Delaware county?
I'm 50 miles NW of Philly.....Bethlehem area.
No doubt. But to finish the game, he has to get the job done, and keep his head attached to his torso.
Looks like FLA is going to start a true freshman Driskel in Saturday's game. What do you think the chances are that the Gators' starting...
Keep the questions coming JJCali. I"m going to my first game later this year, so i'm taking notes.....
There was a memo?
That line is crazy. Opened at 10. Currently 14, and I got my tickets today, that have LSU as a 17 point fav.
Of all that has gone on this year with the QB situation, I haven't heard much about the relationship between JJ and JL. Lee was cheering JJ's TD...
What was he supposed to say? "I just want to help the ballclub"?. "I'm just going to take it one day at a time, and good lord willing, things...
"If honey badger wants the heisman, he will take it". At the very least, he will strip it out of the winner's hands......
Clearly I was upgraded to Forum Veteran too quickly. For some reason I was thinking they would play again in the championship game, and I figured...
I see Wisconsin and Boise St possibly being the only 2 unbeaten teams. (LSU and Bama will split). Then we will see if they put a 1 loss SEC team...
You overlooked Penn State.....
I like it!