Yep - it's a good sign for Beaux Pelini and Nebraska. Happy for him. :geaux:
Yeah - but they play in such a TOUGH conference. Big Ten is nada. USC is killing these guys - and the only reason I'm watching is to see how bad...
I think you're exactly right here... JJ looked very impressive tonight - even the announcers were impressed. They made a big deal out of him...
The fake punt was truly a thing of beauty. Jones was WIDE OPEN and had plenty of room to run. Still, my favorite was the field goal last year....
Thanks for noticing. :geaux:
That makes sense, Red - thanks. logjam = QB? Looks like we'll have an abundance - though not with experience. Transfers probably do occur more...
Reading Dandy Don's column this morning, I noticed that he says: I also expect four to six LSU players to transfer after the the game....
You're right on both counts. Another fine Christian businessman who closes for business on Sundays is David Green whose Hobby Lobby store was...
Re: DC Watch: John Chavis I think someone mentioned it before, but isn't it possible that the deal is done and under wraps to allow CLM's staff...
They always think they are number 1 because that's as high as most of 'em can count. :geaux:
Mormonism = Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Jesus Christ = Christian, doesn't it? link: :geaux:
Chik-Fil-A web site fact page claims 1400 restaurants in 37 states. Are ya hungry for more? Here's the link:
I disagree. There have been worse threads and there WILL be worse threads. ( a little disagreement makes any thread better, no?) :geauxtige
I think the best thing about our bowl this year is that it allows the team to have three extra weeks of practice. No bowl, no practice. And an...
I like cows, too. Medium Rare. :geaux:
Yep - not even close to special. And their advertising MAY be the worst I've ever seen. No, nevermind, it IS the worst. :geaux:
It will always be the Peach Bowl to matter what lame sponsor it has. Maybe I'm just p.o'd because I can't get corporate sponsorship. :geaux:
Re: DC Watch: John Chavis Yeah, me too! I saw this thread had grown and thought there might be some news. No such luck. Speaking of...
Wow - announcers are really enjoying OU's run of 60+ point games. It is impressive, but dang, these guys are really getting on my nerves. Whatever...
I agree 100%. He would've looked great in P&G. A real throwback! :geaux: