Johnny Cash's cover of "One" by U2.
how exactly is a 1 loss Texas Tech team in front of us when we have a harder schedule rank and more wins against top 30 teams? You should be able to listen to WWL 870am too. You should be able to listen to WWL 870am too.
I prefer Major Garrett. If he says it I believe it, even if it's something as crazy as Rex isn't a giant douche.
We were coached by God himself last year, who cares what are record and rankings were. I would gladly go 0-11 if we could only have 1 more season... President Bush today announced he is nominating 3rd Circuit Appeals Court Judge...
The game was horrible, I've been a lifelong Saints fan and still find myself cheering for them. I hate it though because they suck so much. I was...
The answer is always yes.
Well so much for that hope. It's already 21-6 USC.
Well with a UGA loss we move up a spot and it helps out our SOS. However, it would be nice for UGA to win just so that we can face them undefeated...
Didn't Bennie run in the latest olympics?
What is keeping you from tailgating today? I'm stuck working till 4, so I get 30 minutes or so of tailgating before I have to go and try to...
16-7 now. I wish i wasn't at work so i could watch this game and the cocktail party at 2:30.
If the game keeps going the way it has been, this may be the upset of the day. UNC 9-Miami 7 Go Heels'. (i can't believe i'm cheering for them)
Tigers: 699 Tiggers: 0
What's so scary about it? They are trying to reform a state by using democracy. It's not like they are taking up arms and attacking S. Carolina to...
I'll agree with you but only because I think the wave is stupid at anytime.
I guess you're just a better fan than everyone then. That's fine with me I'll even give you a crown because you're the king of LSU fans, which...
did the stadium announcer make a comment about the cheerleader? I could've sworn I heard something like that but it's very hard to hear the...