I wouldn't put too much confidence into arky's defense this year after everyone they lost on that side of the ball from last season. Not to...
That will be difficult to do against a Saban-led team.
Does something plug into the ends? Looks like some kind of hub, like for headphone jacks or musical instruments.
Bob Welch from Fleetwood Mac. http://www.latimes.com/news/obituaries/la-me-bob-welch-20120608,0,224210.story
Some sort of keychain USB thumb drive for personal medical records.
Gonna be the scariest and deepest unit on this team, if not any team. Not to mention oldest looking. o_O
My offer for a piggyback ride down Bourbon Street still stands, except for the lineman. :P
Tuner or something for pitch?
I've seen him. He had a real beard and real elves.
I'm so sorry, please forgive me. I'm so full of shame because I couldn't see you sitting on that high horse. :rolleyes:
Sorcery and magic...hmm...seems like too much tv to me.
Well hell idk why. My knowledge is limited. Just things I think about.
Even with the loss of Brockers, this has got to be the deepest and nastiest defensive line I've ever seen.
Of course not. I'm not talking about silly little petty things, but rather the bigger things in life. If someone kidnaps and murders a child,...
My weird, coonass definition of karma.
I tend to believe that the universe always balances itself out. It's physics. I don't believe in chance.
I wasn't referring to sigs, I was referring to YOU, period. You're simply a troll who does nothing but disrespect longtime members of this forum....
Ban the filth already damn
Yeah, a big fat steaming pile of elephant gump shit. :cool:
Not quite the same.