Because, to a liberal, wealth is finite thing with only so much to go around. If the rich are allowed to keep more of the money they stole...
The economy is not a zero sum game. There is not a finite amount of wealth to go around. The ric can get ricer and the poor can get richer and...
That isn't a point. Anyone could shelter money in blind trusts and offshore accounts, but there is a cost benefit to it. It is far etter for me to...
The dumbest comment I have ever seen. Really demonstrates the envy and loathign of the sucessful and fortunate that is so typical of the left.
No, but I take advantage of every means of tax avoidance possible. If offshorwe accoutns would help me to avoid additional taxation I would use...
Middle class people can buy tax shelters too. Just call any large CPA. I know people who buy tax credits to cover 100 dollar liabilities. Taking...
PwC is the best accounting firm in the world, and the only one of the big 4 firms not to get slammed on some type of tax shit in recent years. If...
You have no basis for this. I think 14% is much too high. I think the top marginal rate should be 25%. My opinion is every bit as without basis...