Nah I'm good with cspire works everywhere in the deepest bottoms and swamps I can find. Ended up with a 16gig 5c free. 5s was still 100 bucks...
that works if it cuts off because the battery died.....but if it get turned off somehow then I dont think it doesnt turn back on from being...
hopefully they show up today. gotta try something.
Hadnt taken my boy fishing in a few weeks so we went to the pond yesterday evenin for about an hour. Right away got a nice channel cat and then...
we def usually eat the ones I kill and like I said I would have brought all 3 out had it been under different circumstances. It is what it is and...
got in my stand well before daylight Sat morning and since I had seen a good bit of hog sign I brought my .22 along with the bow. We can kill...
Robin eats every bit as good as a dove for sure.
pretty good
Don't have many red squirrels where I'm at pretty much all greys. They are ridiculously thick though. Sittin in my ladder yesterday morning prob...
I upload mine to photobucket and copy and paste the img tag can do that from pretty much anything that gets online. Bout to head out myself but...
Ha yea I know but all that is more for the "hunter" than the deer. You want to kill a deer.....find the food, sit still, be quiet, and pay...
i have one particularly disturbed friend who send me and several others links in group texts to disturbingly hilarious videos that have web...
In between everything else goin in I've been able to slip away a few times to finish getting the freezer stocked with fish for deer season. Not...
Wools wolves worms lots of names for them. Technically they are bot fly larva. They grow in the squirrels skin and make big ugly puss filled...
Went yesterday morning to thin some tree rats down around my primary stand on black creek. They are thick as always in there and first 2 were...
Do y'all have the archery in the schools program where you are? I've been trying to get it going over here for about 5 years and finally last...
He's not ready to shoot yet but took my 4 year old for a little walk behind the house. Gave him a head knockin stick so he could "finish them off"...