Been over a week but finally got a break in the weather yesterday to go grocery shopping. Limit of specs and 100+ whites. Was headed offshore...
Sometimes in battle you gotta make sacrifices. He was locked in a death struggle with the bass and the shoe just had to go.
That's one of the king cooker rigs. Def not mine Mardi gras krewe bought it but I'm planning on making me an improved version
We pretty well quit crabbing got tired of gettin my pots stolen. But got a good friend who commercial crabs but loves we have a...
Ha yea he's not quit there but there is a little 4 footer calling the pond home so the possibility does exist
Went wade fishing for flounder before my boys preschool graduation thing this morning. Got a few flounder and couple trout nothing overly...
Not sure what happened with pics? [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
No fishing in these winds so boiled 300lbs crawfish and 100lbs shrimp yesterday instead. Not a bad alternative [IMG] [IMG]
Depends any given year I might be teaching math science or history. Down side to being widely gives some solid job security but...
Ha def not wealthy. I'm a is the wife.
Def not all just me. I've got 6 generations of fisherman's knowledge charts and passed down spots to pull from. Ain't many shell piles around...
Summer break finally started yesterday at 11 so had to kick it off with a little grocery shopping. Fished a few hours first for trout then when...
Trout box from the morning.... [IMG] Little better look at the dozen flatties [IMG]
Got a call Monday from a buddy wanting to fish Tuesday so had to skip out on work again. Only about a half dozen specs but well over 100 really...
Weather over here has been terrible all day but about 2:30 I had all the sittin inside and on the porch I could take so in the gaps in the rain I...
First batch....bout 3 batches left to go for tonight [IMG]
Well the bass trip fell through buddy forgot he had swimming lessons for his kids so just cleaned these and bout to get the whites frying right...
Nah you just gotta go more.
Ditched work this morning to go check on the speckled trout. They were there and hungry but mostly small. Prob caught 100+ shorts to get 14...
Storms cleared out and wind died so after we got the kids in bed I headed to the water. Took about 2 hours to stick my 15 but my cousin had met...