Pssst... Hester is #18, not 16. :thumb:
I have a quiz today, a test tomorrow, a test Wednesday, homework and a 7 page paper about a book I just finished reading yesterday (and frankly...
...or does anyone have a DVD or VHS of the game that they'd be willing to let me pay for? :D
Is there anywhere to download the ESPN2 broadcast? Damn DVR messed up. :po:
Glenn Dorsey is the biggest cheerleader LSU has, too. I meant that literally, not figuratively, by the way.
I'll be there as always. Let's hope for no rain on game day.
The tailgating spots are on a first-come, first-served basis and should be reserved ahead of time by e-mailing Devlyn Quinn at...
Maybe he moonlights as a gymnast.
Don't forget that they jack up the jerseys from 60 to 80 buckeroos. It's for a good cause though, right? I mean, surely that 20 bucks goes...
That's right. Be brave, be proud.
Well, it finally happened. LSU pulled the post-touchdown "oh-we-oh" song (at least for the time being). Said it will last until the students can...
Maybe he'll make it to 5 ypc.
Oh God, please win, for the love of God.
You mean that high school stadium in the background wasn't Tiger Stadium? I don't know about you, but I just park my RV ten feet from the stadium...
Being that I was in the stadium on the opposite side, I couldn't really see what was going on with the play where the O-line was in real tight....
I know at least one of them is from ESPN.
I love home games. Wait, it's not in Baton Rouge? Crap. I'll be there.
That's because they save it for the road games. I remember last year's basketball game LSU had against A&M. They brought a surprisingly large...
I believe he's saying that the Wizard of Oz guard chant thing (not quite sure of the name; "Ohhhh weeee ohhhh") that the band normally plays after...
It's amazing that this is arguably the best time to be an LSU tiger, yet, someone still has to be negative if it isn't a 40 point victory....