thats how it should be. we pay far too little for far too crappy food.
i dont see what the big deal is. they already tax booze and tax cigarettes. so whats the big deal? theyll just tax more stuff thats hurts the...
lsu turns the ball over, bama doesnt.
i still dont see how the policy is the evidence. i think, as with any policy, it will be imperfectly written and implemented. so a percentage of...
cfn sees no rout. bama in a close one. they say it will all come down to turnovers.
so the evidence is that the poor vote dem? thats evidence that dems try to keep the poor down? that aint evidence. this isnt rocket science....
perhaps you are right about the definitions, but this definition of "agnostic" is too broad. what use is it if it includes people that dont...
he's bought their story that government bad, business good.
more conspiracy theories? provide some evidence. if it is so obvious, it should be easy. and please, no correlations, just real evidence.
because they make nothing or next to nothing. im sure they would have no problem paying taxes if they made decent money. but our society is set...
rationally i agree that it would be a landslide, but the tea baggers dont follow reason. i would be so scared that that it wouldnt be a...
the key word is believe. that means they dont know, they are unsure.
nothin but flat iron steaks. salt and pepper for about 20 min, then 2min a side.
im flattered that im so important to you. sorry i cant reciprocate. really.
nah there's worse. he didnt try to kill himself. he hasnt lied. he hasnt sent photos of little jr to subordinates.
congratulations! you put your finger :hihi: on it. you are the first poster to figure me out. i cant stand to disagree with people.
29? just having fun. sorry for not using an emoticon.
he shouldnt have lied. first mcnabb cant understand the 2min O, then he's hurt, then he's out of shape.
if only "some" agnostics believe in god then some agnostics dont believe in god and are therefore just like athiests as you define --"believe God...
better than "discussing" politics