he said miles needs a new agent because he should have gotten more money.
bottom line is--- if you are committing a crime, dont video it.
if there is vid, this is similar with the Ga player that got 10 yrs. its one thing to think about hs kids having sex, but watching a gangbang is...
the improvement seems to be all because of the zone. oppt fg % and rebounding. could really get better quick when turner gets back bc no one hit 3s.
mett got kicked off uga because he lied to richt during the investigation.
the program is on cruise control. all it needs is a manager. keep recruiting, and no more bat**** episodes like the om and tenn games for a...
struck by lightning, huh.
a lot of this boils down to semantics, at least the reason why you get so much more grief from people than red does. reminds me of when i was...
smart kid.
pay attention, they replaced it with "slave" finally a topic that olberman and limbaugh agree on.
he hasnt been around long enough. give him about 1500 yrs after his son dies
no. if i didnt care, i would hold status quo. i would not have gone through all the personal strife (beared my cross, as it were) if i had not...
zero chance he doesnt coach there next season.
why was he reinstated? all i can find is the non-answer --"Ridley was initially declared ineligible, however, after additional information was...
i cant remember.
im not sure if this is what you mean, but i think 94% (that is, not the atheists-5% + religious-1%) of them are neither because they really dont care.
this thread just makes me feel dirty for being a college sports fan. dirty business is one thing, but dirty business disguised as higher ed is...
duke and redden? what is that referring to? did lsu ever play duke when redden was there? pretty sure not. besides that was before duke was...
lagunitas brown sugga rogue dead guy widmer hefeweissen full sail pale deschuttes black butte porter old rasputin imperial stout harpoon...
we need to make sure we have an agreement that china keeps nk in check. because we will back sk and obviously dont want ww3 to start because of...