Welcome to the Lester Miles era.......
friendly wager on that?
someone needs to get laid:hihi:
LSU baseball is 1-2 as of right now..... thoughts....
R U serious? I must have missed that when I spent all those years on the back of a turnip truck...
Coach K has Chevy, AmEx, Nike commercials and.... John Brady has Golden Flakes, or does he? As long as the refs don't take Temple out the...
You don't say....???? I guess we learn something new everyday. What next, RedElephants is a Bama fan?
My bad, Smoke has done a great job at LSU.... So UK takes the series right? At least we pulled out some magic to steal a game from the...
nah, he's busy shootin' another AM EX or Chevy commercial......
The hapless boob has turned our baseball program into USL....
:rofl: nah, steele is off to 'the league'..:rofl: :rofl:
D-Mitch is clutch....... Missed 3's all game long but was $$$$ when we needed him most.....
he did
dmitch didnt even put his hands up...... is he throwing the game? maybe he'll make a shot here
he didn't get fouled...... please dmitch please run back on D if you miss
dumb basketball..... refuse to run back on defense off of missed jumphots...
hello anyone else notice EVERYTIME DMITCH misses a long 3 aTm gets an easy layup?