This is all wrong. It isn't ziploc bags of urine we throw. It is urine soaked nerf footballs. Just kidding. You'll have fun. Just remember...
This isn't even mathematically correct. Policy wise the statement is a trainwreck. ETA... I read it wrong. It is mathematically correct. I...
Holy crap. I just looked this up. All the other economies combined are larger than America's economy. America's economy is the smallest.
We should just make it mandatory to be a millionaire. If you aren't you have to pay a tax. If it works in healthcare it should work in poverty.
But they don't consume more than all the rest put together which means the consume the least. What a great contry we live in. Our poor consume...
That is a false premise. The taxpayers share no additional burden becasue a company takes a tax deduction. Deductions and exemptions are part of...
Moving a plant is an operating expense. That is a fact that cannot be argued. Is it ok with you that companies deduct pay roll or depreciation or...
If you wipe out the economic activity of the bottom 5% the GDP is effectively unchanged. If you wipe out the economic activity of 5% around the...
What you are effectively arguing is that businesses should not be allowed to deduct operating expenses. I don't understand that.
The Allen Edmond shoe is a much better shoe than Cole Haan. Cole Haan is a good shoe. They are the bridge between the shoes you get at Rack Room...
This is also true. You have to know your audience, and make them feel comofortable. My audience is often rich Jewish guys who want to see...
Profressionals who don't wear at a minimum a button down shirt and dress slacks should be mocked and ridiculed. I wear a suit every day. The...
No. My analysis is all together different. I have simpy said the population of tax expenditures is large enough to accomodate a 20% rate...
There are corporate tax deductions that can be reduced to cover corporate tax rate reductions.
The Tax Policy Center is not non-partisan. It is part of the Brookings Institute a liberal think tank. He said he would cut tax rates by 20%....
He did not say corporate deduction wouldn't be touched. He said everything was on the table. The math of it is yhe cost of his reduction on...
I don't even think it is that hard. We exempt trillions from taxation every year through deductions and credits.
In principle I think you can cut marginal rates and offset the cuts by closing credits and deductions. The only way to say it doesn't add up is...
You can't really cite the Tax Policy Center study because they made assumptions on what Romney would cut which may be faulty. Their assessment of...
He said they are all on the table. The only qualifier being that it does not result in a tax increase.