Statements like this are the reason analytical conservative leaning independents reject the Republican party.
to the contrary...
Johnson could also cost Obama Nevada.
You understate Obama's position on weed. He flat out lied. He said his administration would not prosecute medicinal marijuana, and in reality...
so the Governor, pretty bad ass. The perfect charismatic megalomaniac.
The only thing that matters is if the individual and company are comfortable with the arrangement. The fact that another person or several other...
24-13 LSU. We fall down 13-7, then the first LSU kick off return for a touchdown in Tiger Stadium since Eric Martin followed by a quick 3 and...
If LSU can't win it, I'd like to see Bill Snyder win one.
How about the huge one... using inteligence gaind through torture to kill Bin Ladin.
Do you think you'd have your kids out of that thatre before the tailer was over? No point in leavingt after that minute was over. ETA Nvermind....
Mintor is Kevin Minter's Eternian name.
The point you are missing is that by the time you realize something is amiss, gather the assload of child accoutrements, and make your way to the...
Where did you hear the 18 grams number? How do you charge three people with possession for that little weed and a fourth with intent for that...
WJBO is already running with a possible LSU football drug ring angle. Silly. college kids like weed. NBD.
Years of poor governance led us to the financial crash. You are right to blame Republicans. You are wrong to not blame Democrats. This is...
I think LSU's key to victory will be me getting a ticket. LSU vs. Bama games I attended: 97, 00, 01, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 10, 11. Should have...
Have you ever been in public wit a child under 6? Nothing is easy. With all the bags, and comfort items, and sippy cups, and baggies of cheerios.
The true mark of democracy is doing things that are pragmatic and balanced. Too much of a thing can be bad, or good. What we must realize is...
The recovery had already begun. Negative GDP growth had slowed substantially from -6.4% to -.2% before ARRA was passed and the GDP was growing...
I would like this twice if I could.