thank you all for the X Whipple comments - I cannot stand that dude. As for Ross - should start but will probably be the 6th man behind Lazarre....
this would have been a better picture...[img]'s homepage for college football has an article accompanied by a terrible picture... check it out:
lol! I 2nd that
The Trojans are tougher than they've been in years, particularly on defense. Are you kidding?!?!?! The condoms have one good defensive game...
Because all that crap is free! No one wants free stuff anymore! :wink:
If any of you have any high quality LSU baseball pics, please post them or link them please. I need these for a project I'm working on. Thanks...
pretty sure they start a home/home next year (starting in BR)
USC and AU fans just need to go ahead and suck each other and then call it quits :lsug: :lsup: