148 Marcus Randall 262 Dwayne Bowe 56 Early Doucet 94 Corey Webster 0 Shawn Jordan = 560 Total 2 week total 601+560= 1161
this shouldn't have been much of a surprise since Tasmin is Butch's Godson
$22 Marcus Randall $20 Dwayne Bowe $13 Early Doucet $4 Corey Webster $1 Shawn Jordan Scott - the rules state "You do not carry over any of your...
I think I'm the closest so far w/601
I couldn't DISAGREE w/you more - my personal opinion - I don't think Randall has any confidence in himself. On top of that, JR obviously has...
Vincent 132 Addai 172 Russell 297 Hill 0 = 601
If I'm not mistaken, those UT unis were throwbacks to the 50's
I found the Corvallis paper he was speaking of... here's the link to the article about LSU's hospitality:...
Hey Dawg - let's not forget that we missed 2 FG's - let's not blame our victory on their kicker. We make those 2 FG's and it's a completely...
nice read!
How's this? [img].
like the PA announcer says: "Chance of rain in Tiger Stadium...... NEVER"
The Tiger Mania off Drusilla always has a sale rack (50%) outside the store too.
nucking futs!
He also picked Memphis to go undefeated
So much crack in your pipe
yeah - this could be the slowest week in history
also Gene Wojciechowski's take... LSU -- A new quarterback, but mostly the same defense that squeezed the life out of opposing offenses last...