Well I just finished reading Ayn Rand's We the Living and Machiavelli's The Prince and am currently reading Rand's Atlas Shrugged. I've been...
In modern times there haven't been many dictators stupid enough to do anything that would pit the whole world against them and make them lose...
If enough people start voting for a third party candidate, it wouldn't be throwing your vote away.
The link doesn't work.
I was for a while before I bought a router since my room in the apartment doesn't have a cable outlet in it. So I couldn't set up the cable modem...
Well thank you, it's always nice to recieve a compliment. I'm gonna start posting more i've just been busy lately and since I didn't have internet...
Schools funded by state or national governments should not be allowed to teach religious doctrine. I personally believe in Intelligent Design but...
Constitution Party The only part of their platform I really don't agree with is the religious undertones of it.
[IMG] That's great. I don't see why any news organization would run with it though, it's not like those UN meetings are short. What I...
Now we have a military guy in charge that won't take any crap and knows how to get things done. With FEMA out of the way a lot of the...
I found this quote and thought it was fitting for this discussion: Everyone is at fault with the whole levee and aid debacle. Not just Bush,...