its amazing he lasted more than a few weeks, such a prick and a blowhard. but i think that about hannity, beck and limbaugh too.
and ryan clark
looks like a great idea. atleast bama, florida and tx arent on the list
i would think there are more than a few parents of recruits that care.
the ncaa and schools and athletic dept dont give a **** about the students, just the fball program. thats what makes this crap happen.
but even having all that (or close to it) doesnt mean it will happen. look at arkansas. wrt oos recruiting. if brady couldve locked down La...
that team was the only in ncaa history (i think) to have 3 first rd draft picks. there is a difference between a top recruit and a successful...
not really, swift, johnson, koundja, bass, davis, mitchell, rolle, randolph, obryant were all top recruits and in the last 10 yrs. lsu gets...
you should really try something else. there is an abundance of good "simple lagers"
we'll see. nothing much has changed since his hire. he can coach, but can he get the right kids here? no coach would win with stringer,...
no, enrolling kids that have no business in a university is the worst thing that ever happened to college bb. there should be no formal...
of course there is a strong correlation between education and money, but thats not why higher ed exists (im not talking about hs). although it is...
schools dont exist to teach people how to make money, they exist to educate. if people leave early, they are less educated. the real issue is...
this may be a shallow view, but im most interested in how seamless the transition will be. i suppose the part about simplifying the system for...
"...those with guns were four times more likely to be shot when confronted by an armed assailant than those without guns. ....states with the...
i was wondering if everyone heard that the new healthcare system would lose several hundred thousand jobs, too!!! of course thats mostly because...
im with you. very few, if any, moments that were that big that went the wrong way. randy livingston blowing out his knee was bad. that team...
there would be a significant drop in deaths. thats enough for me. im not scared one bit of having my home invaded by a burglar or needing to...
id gladly give up my pistols (and any assault rifles if i had any---but not my shotgun) if there were a law. i have never needed them for...