Old sugarcane cutter
Red is correct. It's an "anti-masturbation" device. "The rare 19th century item is made of copper and was designed to be worn by boys so they...
Very close. It has a more specific function.
Nope. Your first guess was a little "closer to home". :)
lol I wouldn't want to drain my rice in it o_O
I think you may have given up too easy on that one. :P Here ya go. Have fun with this one. Let the jokes begin. :D [IMG] [IMG]
Yep. Like CC said, last season he broke the single-season all-purpose yardage record. He torched defenses last year.
Then either an old water spout or some kind of valve, and if it's a valve, then it should have a handle on the end.
screw the u
Sorry bro, but Chappelle beat em to it. lol :P [media]
An antique counterweight from a crane
Bullshit. He knew damn well most of the country wouldn't want an all-SEC BCS Championship game, so he did what he had to do to ENSURE his team...
Yep, and I'm wondering why the saints organization hasn't done more to defend themselves. More damage control, PR campaign, legal action, etc. Is...
I miss Louisiana, period.
Some kind of plumbing or gas fitting?
That's one weird ass anal canal to have threads lol :P
He's a playmaker, NOT a lockdown corner. Get that through your skulls. His size doesn't have shit to do with it. The dude is the most naturally...
Especially Mark Cuban and and the always petty Michael Jordan.