What have I evaded? I have answered your question several times. I can't help that you don't understand.
I thought about throwing that one out, but the timing wasn't right. I thought the nose picking comment was a suitable substitute.
Ron Paul's pseudo endorsement of Romney is pulling a lot of weight, so much so that the guy who introduced Johnson on Friday night mentioned it.
So a couple of dudes with blogs opens up room for discussion??? What are the credentials of the bloggers, are they CPAs, economic modelers? What...
The existence of dissent does not negate the fact that the overwhelming consensus is that capital gains is a form of double taxation. I know not...
I don't think they take many votes from Republicans. Most folks who vote Libertarian wouldn't vote for the candidates the Republicans and...
Because they arise from funds that was already subject to taxation. It is widely held economic and accounting thought that this is double...
I would say Libertarians are either left or right on social issues. It really depends on the individual, and the party platform is almost always...
I guess they are moderate in the sense that they have ideals from across the political spectrum. That is not pragmatic on centrist though. So...
Which positions of the Libertarians do you consider moderate? Fiscally, Libertarians are well to the right of Republicans.
How much of that capital loss can you claim?
I answered the question in post 109. You wither don't like the answer or don't understand the answer. That doesn't change the fact that I...
I already answered your question silly. If you bothered to think about what other people write instead of immediately rattling off liberal talking...
Libertarian Presidential candidate Gary Johnson is currently polling around 6%. What is odd is that his numbers are going up as the election...
Your inability to understand does not equate to an inability for me to explain. You only accept explanations that agree with your liberal ideals....
Yes winning at the highest percentage in LSU history is turrible.
Last night Gary Johnson said the current administration's understanding of free speech was sophomoronic and myopic. That is why I am voting for him.
Do you use it to put a bung hole in a wooden barrel
Yes. You have described a double tax. Savings taxes have been considered double taxation since the 1790s. Look, if you are going to be a...
I have explained it. The money used to purchase the capital asset was taxed. The gain on the purchase of the assesst is taxed again. That is...