On the grandpaw note.....that's really the only reason I make any wine. From as far back as I can remember I helped him pick blueberries...
The waterfowl rules are odd. Anything else you can plant and cut just for the game you want to hunt but for waterfowl it can only be actual...
If you ain't eatin the throats and cheeks of the bigger fish you are missing out. Some call them angel wings but it's just the throats.
Now for jelly which I'll be making tomorrow it's a little more involved but the payoff is much faster. Gotta boil the berries, squeeze em,...
Nah wine is easy. Pick berries(or buy berries or juice), grind or blend up berries into a clean bucket add water and cover with a towel in a cool...
For future reference when we do a small one like that I make a rotisserie type deal with 2 racks from an old grill or oven. Just put the pig on...
[IMG] Now just gotta let it sit in the corner and work for about 6 months. And of course pick another 5 gallons for jelly
Unfortunately that's more than covered already.
Gonna have to come with something significant to contribute if you want a spot on bethel hill.....and bein we just found out we are expecting our...
Spent about an hour and a half this morning on the blueberry bushes. Gonna start grinding to get the wine made this afternoon once that's working...
Had to fry up the last of the throats tonight.....really the only part of them I really like [IMG]
My daughter has been practicing up on the little bream with the wife while and the boy worked on the catfish. I keep asking her if she is ready...
We always used to catch a lot when were still shrimping. Those and ground mullet.
Yea and triple 13 cheapest they got
Got lucky timed it right. Sittin on porch watchin the seed get soaked
Had planned on planting later in the week or early next week but saw 60-90% rain every day the next 10 days so went ahead and planted my little...
After watching the walk off sat night noticed the wind was dead and wasn't planning on fishing in the morning so grabbing light string and gig and...
Plus we can't mess with turtles in April May or June in MS. Alligator turtles anyways
South of biloxi
Spent 3 of past 5 days snapper fishing. Yea they are really overfished and endangered. Never got more than 60 feet deep and hit quick easy...